Foods That Make You Happy
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 7:23 pm
1.Green Tea
Green tea is packed with antioxidants to prevent cell damage from free radicals in the body. It keeps your insides running smoothly and your outsides looking good. Green tea gives you energy and prevents weight gain, is great for your skin, and a healthy choice for preventing disease in the body.
Choline helps with memory and in keeping the brain young, and prevents people from becoming depressed. Eggs provide 150 milligrams of choline per yolk, so two eggs daily almost meets the daily recommended requirement of 425 milligrams of choline per day.
Eggs are also an excellent source of protein, for strong muscles and a leaner body.
Spinach provides loads of iron, which is essential in delivering oxygen to your cell, giving you energy. For vegetarians, spinach is an important substitute for red meat. A salad made with spinach and berries, for Vitamin C, is a perfect meal to boost energy levels and boost your spirits as well.
Salmon is high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA and DHA. People who are low on Omega-3's can become depressed and irritable. Salmon is a great source of protein, which helps build and maintain muscle, which therefore burns more fat at rest. It's a super food for a super mood. Once a week is a great way to introduce it into your diet.
The all American apple is just what the doctor ordered. Containing quercetin, a flavonoid that is an antioxidant, the apple keeps you happy by keeping you healthy and by helping to block allergy symptoms. Quercetin acts as a natural antihistamine in the body, helping to prevent allergy symptoms, and allowing you to smile.
Lycopene reduced inflammation in the lungs, and this beneficial antioxidant is found in tomatoes. Heated tomatoes, such as in tomato sauce, provides the most access to the lycopene. So if make a nice marinara and reap the benefits, lift your mood, and stay healthy. Tomatoes are great for allergy sufferers and those with chronic breathing problems.
Magnesium plays a large role in providing lots of energy to your body. Legumes, which include beans, peas and peanuts, are all great sources of magnesium. This is an excellent way to incorporate it into your body, and exercising furthers its benefit by distributing throughout your body to where its needed.
Clams are packed with Vitamin B12 which is essential for brain function and cognition. Low cognitive skills can lead to depression and feelings of sadness. What a great way to get a boost to the brain, a bucket of steamers or clams on the half shell. Other seafood, such as tuna, salmon and lobster provide B12 as well.
Berries are rich in antioxidants which can prevent brain aging and therefore, depression. Antioxidants work at the cellular level fighting free radicals and preventing cell damage, and that goes for skin too. Wouldn't we all be happier with younger and clearer looking skin? Blueberries, raspberries, black raspberries and strawberries are all great choices.
Serotonin in the brain is what keeps us happy and prevents depression. Walnuts contain the richest amount of serotonin of any other dietary source. Those who snack on walnuts tend to have better moods than those who don't, as the body absorbs the serotonin from the nut into the body.
Milk provides Vitamin D, the same Vitamin that the sun provides. You've heard of seasonal depression, where people who live in cold climates who don't get enough sun and get depressed. Well, it's the Vitamin D from the sun that they're lacking. Milk can provide you with enough Vitamin D to turn that frown upside down.
They don't call Quinoa a superfood for nothing. A complex carb, rich in amino acids, it has the added benefit of protein. Unlike white rice and white bread, which can actually sap your energy and drain you, after causing a spike in your blood sugar, Quinoa releases a steady flow of energy throughout your day.