Foods That Cause Farting

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 8:10 pm
By:Tony Williams


Popcorn is corn, so the same applies. It is highly fibrous, but as a soluble fiber it causes gas. When popped it becomes roughage for the intestine, and can be great for cleaning out the nooks and crannies, but expect to have some flatulence if you snack on popcorn, especially on an empty stomach.

Popcorn-Foods That Cause Farting


Pasta can cause gas in the intestines due to its starchy content. It is not as gassy as some other starches and carbohydrates, and is right in the middle of the glycemic index. With a lower glycemic index, it is not the worst carbohydrate you can eat, and has protein it it as well.

Pasta-Foods That Cause Farting


Oatmeal is packed with fiber which is great for the body, but it can also produce intestinal gas. When adding oatmeal as a steady component of your diet, add it slowly until your body adapts, otherwise you may be in store for a lot of gas. Oats found in cookies do the same thing, with a double whammy from the sugar.

Oats-Foods That Cause Farting


Potatoes cause gas for many reasons. One is that they are starchy, the other is that they are a carbohydrate, both of which produce gas in the intestines. They bloat the stomach, cause weight gain, and also cause a rise in your blood sugar, resulting in a crash and fat storage.

Potatoes-Foods That Cause Farting


Corn is another high carbohydrate starch that can cause gas in the intestines. The body doesn't digest starch well, producing gas that accumulates as it makes its way through your body. Also take into consideration that corn is what is fed to cows to fatten them up. It's a high glycemic, high carbohydrate food.

Corn-Foods That Cause Farting


Wheat usually contains wheat gluten, which some people are allergic to. This allergy can be severe enough to cause a gluten intolerance, or just slight discomfort from eating it. High in carbohydrates, any food made with wheat can produce gas in the intestines. Wheat can be found in bread, cereal and pasta.

Wheat-Foods That Cause Farting


Vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, cabbage and peas contain sugars that the body cannot digest, resulting in gas. High in soluble fiber, they are digested in the large intestine, causing gas and sometimes pain. However, these foods are great for your health, so a little farting should not deter you.

Vegetables-Foods That Cause Farting


It's the carbonation in soda that causes gas in the intestines, and it can also cause gas pains. The sugar in sodas can produce gas as well. If you go for the sugar free versions, you may end up with more gas due to the artificial sweeteners. All around, it's something you should remove from your diet.

Soda-Foods That Cause Farting


Most people know that beans cause gas. They have received so much press that there is even an anti gas product called Bean-o. High in raffinose and soluble fiber, both release intestinal gas in the body. The gas produced travels down the intestines, and can cause pain along its journey.

Beans-Foods That Cause Farting

10.Artificial Sweetener

Artificial sweeteners can cause gas. The body is not able to break down a lot of these fake sugars, such as sorbitol, aspartame, and sucralose. The result is gas in the intestines that makes its way down to the colon to be expelled through the anus. It can also cause loose stools and anal leakage if taken in large amounts.

Artificial Sweetener-Foods That Cause Farting


For people who are lactose intolerant, they know all too well that dairy can cause gas, painful gas. Lactose can be difficult for most people to digest if they don't produce the enzyme lactase. For most people milk, yogurt or cheese can cause gas, but for those who are lactose intolerant the gas is accompanied by pain.

Dairy-Foods That Cause Farting


Some fruits contain sorbitol, which is the culprit for causing gas. Found mostly in apples, peaches, pears and prunes, it can also be found in sugar free candy. The fiber in fruit also causes gas as a byproduct in the large intestine. Combine the two and you may end up with flatulence.

Fruits-Foods That Cause Farting



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