12 Funny Star Trek Memes That Are Make Your Day
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 1:14 pm
By:James Fraser
With a net worth of approximately $4 billion, Star Trek is one of the most successful entertainment franchises in the world. Most of our parents grew up watching Star Trek TOS, and a lot of them passed the culture down to their family line. If you are a big fan of the franchise, perhaps, you already know how Star Trek isn't just a story about alien life but a metaphor for technology, communication, and international politics. Most Star Trek fans aren't very young, so you don't find too many Star Trek Memes on the Internet. So, here is a hilarious collection of 12 memes about Star Trek that are funny and not highly illogical!
10.He's Dead, Jim!
Leonard McCoy said "He's dead, Jim" for like a million times in the original Star Trek series! Hey, we are just kidding. Not a million times, but he kept saying "He's dead," "She's dead," throughout the series and that became a joke. Bones, as you know, was a doctor, and as this meme says, he was only good at judging whether someone is alive or dead. He would also scream, "I'm a doctor, not a…" frequently, which was hilarious too. The original series is gold, isn't it? If you love McCoy, you may take a look at this funny "He's dead" compilation!