12 Funny Ford Memes That Are Sure To Piss Off A Ford Owner
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 11:34 am
By:James Fraser
We all know how Apple and Android fanboys fight. We are aware of those hilarious feuds between PC and console gamers. Unless you are from the United States and passionate about cars, you are less likely to know how Ford and Chevy owners quarrel over supremacy. Lately, we have been witnessing a lot of anti-Ford memes on the internet. They were created and shared online by Chevy owners to mock Ford as well as its fans. Have a look at these 12 Ford memes that are sure to crack you up!
1.Easy Now, Ford!
The big question here is, why is Ford hated so much? Ford is a famous automobile brand, and it does business in many parts of the world. There's a bit of negativity attached to Ford in the United States, and that's because Ford vehicles, especially the ones in its pickup truck lineup, said to be plagued by numerous problems. People often complain that Ford's Power Stroke engines are slow and not as smooth as its competitors' machines are. As you can see, this meme mocks a Ford truck that's hauling a small utility trailer.