15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 11:27 am
By:James Fraser

Breakups are hard to handle. They are very painful.  Almost all of us have gone through a breakup in our life. We see an ocean of them happening. In most cases, people tend to do something stupid or crazy after a breakup. If the breakup is because of a cheating partner, the reactions or revenge plots can be terrible. Here, We have fifteen people revealing the craziest things they did right after a breakup! 
13.Someone Faked Pregnancy!

But why? To get him back? We don’t think that would have worked. Anyways, no one knows what happened next!

Someone Faked Pregnancy!-15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup

14.A Fairly Common Reaction

You see a lot of women trying to take revenge on their cheating partner. Some women slash tires. Some prefer breaking windows. Some just write random stuff with spray cans. They are so many ways to destroy a car!

A Fairly Common Reaction-15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup

15.The Lady Who Threw a Rock!

The best way to react to a break up is 'not to react'! The more you try to react, the more the things get complicated. Staying calm, finding new ways to divert your mind, and getting over the whole thing is the right way to do. It's tough, but it's way better than harming people and getting arrested.

The Lady Who Threw a Rock!-15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup
