15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 11:27 am
By:James Fraser
Breakups are hard to handle. They are very painful. Almost all of us have gone through a breakup in our life. We see an ocean of them happening. In most cases, people tend to do something stupid or crazy after a breakup. If the breakup is because of a cheating partner, the reactions or revenge plots can be terrible. Here, We have fifteen people revealing the craziest things they did right after a breakup!
10.This Crazy Yet Inappropriate Reaction
As we said earlier, some women do this to make their boyfriend feel jealous, angered or disheartened. But in reality, you are lowering your self-esteem and making that guy feel proud of his decision. Don't do something in haste which you may regret later.