Tips To Plan Your Perfect Trip
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 8:00 pm
1.Make A List
Make sure you pack the correct clothes for your holiday. This might sound simple, but you will be surprised at what you might need to have in that particular country. You can also itemize your stuff so that you leave nothing behind.
2.First Aid
Along with the obvious, which is travel insurance. Pack a First Aid Kit. Also do not forget your own medications and remedies you use. The country you visit may not supply them under the same name.
3.Train Travel
Do consider traveling across the country or counties you visit by a luxury train. This way you get to see a whole lot more and traveling at night can certainly add that sense of adventure.
4.Local Transport
Use the local transport if safe and you are able to understand the time tables. This way you get a feeling for the city itself. Plus, get to chat to the local people.
5.Be Spontaneous
You should plan some of your holiday to make it successful. However, don't shun the idea of last minute offers or fun. Most holiday destinations understand travelers haven't booked so if you are prepared to wait for that train you will get on it!
6.History and Culture
Don't stick to what is obvious, certain countries may offer certain things. The fact is that most counties have all sorts of things to offer. An example would be a beach holiday. Even beach destinations have cultural and artistic aspects to look at. They also have a culture rich in history.
7.Get Down and Dirty
Make sure you veer off the tourist map now and then, if it is safe to do so. This way you can experience the country as it really is.
8.Be Safe
Check if there are any safety rules for that country. Lot's of countries do not recommend walking at night alone for example. Or, it might be unsafe to carry a handbag alone. Knowing what the counties recommendations are can put your mind at rest.
9.Have You Seen It?
Make sure you are aware of the country you are visiting 'must sees'. Then schedule them into your plan. There is nothing worse than being asked later if you saw something that makes that country famous and you haven't!
10.Plan Some Fun
Plan what you are going to do each day, just to give you an idea of how you will be spending your days and nights. This way you will ensure you do not waste any precious fun time.
Ensure that the hotel or resort where you are staying, has all the amenities you require. If you have children for example you would need to know if they supply good entertainment for both you and the kids. You can also check if the hotel supplies babysitting services.
12.Check Local Forex
Check how much spending money you will have by visiting a forex site. Forex will transfer your current currency into the currency of the country you will travel. You can also do some research on general prices of goods once you are over there. Like meals and drinks.
13.Get Your Passport In Order
Make sure your passport is up to date. Applying for an emergency passport can cost a lot, so ensure you have time to apply for yours. Or, better still always make sure it is up to date.