15 People Reveal The Hilarious Reasons They Got Into A Fight
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 1:23 pm
By:James Fraser
Some people are naturally aggressive and need no significant reason to fight. You would often see such people on public transport or at shopping malls. They aren't great at fighting either. They just love showing their dominance over others. And yes, dealing with such people can be challenging. At some point in our lives, we too were involved in a fight or two. Do you remember any such fight from your younger days which make you cringe now? I'm sure there are many. Likewise, We have fifteen people here who shared the funny reasons why they got into a fight. Some of these are very dumb but which fight isn't?
1.This Silly Fight
I got into a fight with someone who said I was holding a pencil wrong. He Googled it. I bitterly defended myself. I heatedly vented to my mom. I found out I have a held a pencil wrong for my whole life.