15 Google Hacks That Make Your Life Simpler
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Google is undoubtedly the best thing ever happened to internet. Internet does bring information to our home, but Google brings it on to our coffee tables. Google opened doors for an ocean of information, without which it would have been difficult for common people to explore world beyond their knowledge.
Every day we search Google for various purposes. Here are fifteen Google hacks that help make your everyday 'Googling' better!
1.Weather Forecast
You can instantly find current day weather and weather forecast on Google easily. All you need to type is 'weather in *your city name*' in Google to find weather information for the day and as well for the coming days ahead. The words weather and your city names display instant weather information on Google results page.
Example keywords: Weather in Los Angeles, Weather in Adelaide, London Weather etc.