15 Awesome Innovations That Simplify Everyday Life

Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 10:10 pm
By:James Fraser

Innovations need not be majestic. Innovations may not always be about inventing some big thing. In fact, innovations can be small, as they perform cool hacks to simplify your daily life. Let us show you 15 cool innovations that make you want to own them instantly. Are you ready?
10.Best Way to Enjoy a Movie?

This is not an ordinary pillow. This pillow has an inbuilt music system that plays sound from your TV or PC into your ears, while you are happily resting on it. Say goodbye to Bluetooth devices and earphones, and enjoy good music with this ‘sound catcher pillow’.
Best Way to Enjoy a Movie?-15 Awesome Innovations That Simplify Everyday Life


11.Good Way to Hide Booze at Work?

Why would anyone like to hide any liquid, unless it is booze? If you would like to sneak some liquor into prohibited places like movie theaters, restaurants or even work, this should be for you. Pour some liquid into this tie, and start sipping away whenever you want to, but when no one is looking.

Good Way to Hide Booze at Work?-15 Awesome Innovations That Simplify Everyday Life
Good Way to Hide Booze at Work?-15 Awesome Innovations That Simplify Everyday Life


12.Door Ping Pong Table

This is a perfect door for siblings, especially for two brothers. It works like a door as long as people want to mind their own business in privacy, but will transform into a nice ping pong table when it is time for some sport. This is a great idea. Would you like to have one installed in your house?
Door Ping Pong Table-15 Awesome Innovations That Simplify Everyday Life

