12 Best Skeptical Third World Kid Memes Ever

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 9:31 am
By:Tony Williams

Skeptical Third World Kid meme talks about how badly the people in African countries are dwelling in poverty. Only after looking at these skeptical third world kid memes, many people from first world countries have realized what it feels like to live in underdeveloped and hunger-stricken countries. The memes have played their part in highlighting problems underprivileged people face every day. The original photo of the meme was taken in 2012 when an Indian doctor was volunteering in Uganda. Someone made a meme with the photo a few months later, which went viral. Since then, Skeptical Third World kid has remained one of the most popular internet memes. 

#10 On Toilets

The idea of wasting water to dispose of human waste is another thing about America that third world kids just can't understand. They do their duty in a hole, never using their valuable water supply to poo in. If they did, they would have to drink it later due to lack of water supply.

On Toilets-12 Best Skeptical Third World Kid Memes Ever
