15 Funniest 'The Morning After Hangover' Texts
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 5:51 am
By:James Fraser
The rich drinks it. The poor drinks it. Ah, talk about social equality! A pint of beer is what people need to celebrate, and a shot of vodka is what they turn to when they are sad. Alcohol is soothing. It is happiness. You would never want the bliss to end, but wait - there's hangover. It's horrible than the flu, "wine flu" you may want to call it! Do you know what's worse than a hangover? Checking your phone's inbox and finding funny, inappropriate, and totally stupid texts you sent to your friends, family members, or even exes! Read 15 such hilarious "the morning after" texts.
1.He Was So Drunk He Even Forgot Where He Was
This can happen! The dude here must have drunk an ocean of alcohol as he even forgot where he was! Apparently, he asked his friend to drive him home, when the party was actually at his home. Isn't this really funny? Yes, things like these happen when you are really, really, Drunk!

2.Dad, Are You a Virgin?
Oh boy, what kind of a question was that? Yes, talking nonsense is one of those things drunk people commonly do. What's worse than asking your dad if he was a virgin? We are super interested to know what the reaction of the dad was when his daughter asked him such a silly question!

3.You Are Not a Wizard, Drunk Man!
This is hilarious! As we said, drunk people do lots of funny things when they are drunk. Talking to strangers or poking fun at them is one more thing drunk people commonly do at places like bars, night clubs or pubs. Watch this funny guy who became a Harry Potter just to mess with a random redhead.

4.We Hope the Midget Wasn't Hurt
What's worse than poking fun at a midget? This is not just 'daily stupidity' you see, this is some advanced stupidity! Hell yes, if you are drunk you would be doing crazy things like these. One more peg, we bet, this guy would have lifted the midget up in the air!

5.Never Ever Mess With Cops When You Are Drunk
• If your drinking habits making you do stupid things, try to reduce the intake of alcohol
• If you can't do that, at least make sure you don't mess with people around.
• If you can't even stop yourself from messing with people, at least make sure you are polite to cops and never ever try to mess with them.
Apparently, that random dude wanted to update his Facebook status from cop's in-car computer!

6.Hagrid, You are Real!
When you start drinking, you enjoy those first few pegs! However, if you drink more, alcohol starts enjoying you. When you are drunk, you are sure to do some random, funny and even nasty stuff that you genuinely regret the morning after. Here's some dude who was lucky to escape as 'Hagrid' took things really easy.

7.Have You Ever Been This Drunk?
The good thing is this guy isn't creating a drama or messing with people around. He's simply enjoying a comedy TV show on a TV that wasn't even powered on! Illusions, illusions everywhere! This is truly hilarious. Have you ever been this drunk before?

8.That's Not How You Make Apple Juice
Everything after Friday night will be fine and good unless a buddy of yours text you telling what you have done last night! As you can see here, this drunk dude wanted to drink apple juice. He put his friend's wife's Apple iPhone in blender! Did he get iJuice?

9.Obese Penguin Bwahaha!
Alcohol gives you much needed courage to take a step forward and do something that you are struggling to do because of many reasons! This drunk girl kissed this guy on prom night, which was cool but she also called him 'obese penguin', which would have spoiled his mood! Oh boy, she is crazy!

10.Go Pikachu, Go!
This was sad. We hope the hamster wasn't dead. When you are drunk, you may tend to hurt people or pets knowingly or unknowingly. In this case, we feel sad for that poor hamster who wasn't a Pikachu, or can't become one. Nevertheless, this text sounds funny.

11.A Cat is Lion When You are Drunk
This is another hilarious drunk text. This was good because the drunk person here just petted the cat and hasn't done anything absurd like the one who threw a hamster. The funny thing here is this man confused cat to a little lion. It looks like he's not completely out of his hangover, as he says the cat was orange to defend himself.

12.Like How Dogs Try to Catch Their Tails
If you are drunk, you are sure to make some really embarrassing things that will haunt you for weeks or even months! Here you can see a drunk dude who was trolled by his friend. We simply say 'impossible' or 'f*ck off' when someone asks us to bite our own nose. Drunk people say "Dude! hold my beer"!

13.Just Some Dumb Drunk Moments
Thank god, this guy didn't break the fish tank. Let's hope this guy wasn't there in some public place while doing that 'Finding Nemo' thing, pressing his face against fish tank and singing 'just keep swimming' song. The way he was defending himself even after knowing what he did the last night was unbelievably hilarious.

14.He Almost Burnt Himself There
When you are drunk, you even do things that may hurt you badly. Here, you could see a drunk guy screaming 'Diagon Alley' standing right next to a fireplace. What's next? Throw some random powder and jump right in? No way! Drink less, and stay safe!

15.Challenged an Orange
You do all sorts of stupid and silly things when drunk. Trying to annoy a orange wasn't a big thing when compared to the nonsense some drunk people usually do. Nevertheless, this was funny. Drinking is fine as long as it's done in limits! Be responsible, drink less, and stay safe!
