12 Funny Redneck Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 12:56 pm
By:James Fraser
"Redneck" is a derogatory term used in the United States to refer to the poor white Americans who live in the rural areas of southern states like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, etc. Rednecks love guns, trucks, chicks, and beer! On the contrary, they hate gays, transgender people, non-White foreigners, and even those liberal Caucasians! In fact, redneck people hate anyone who isn't a redneck! Most people hate rednecks for various reasons ranging from racism, incest to illiteracy. Here are 12 redneck memes that sum up the southern lifestyle!
7.You Are A Redneck If You Play Horseshoes With A Toilet Seat
We are sure many of us don't know that a game called horseshoes exists! We are so preoccupied with our smartphones and gadgets that we eventually let fun outdoor games like these die. Let's get back to the point. Here, a woman is seen playing horseshoes with a toilet seat instead of using an actual horseshoe, which has made the entire scene look hilarious. Horseshoes is an outdoor game where two players alternatively toss horseshoes at stakes (targets) for points.