12 Funny Redneck Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 12:56 pm
By:James Fraser
"Redneck" is a derogatory term used in the United States to refer to the poor white Americans who live in the rural areas of southern states like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, etc. Rednecks love guns, trucks, chicks, and beer! On the contrary, they hate gays, transgender people, non-White foreigners, and even those liberal Caucasians! In fact, redneck people hate anyone who isn't a redneck! Most people hate rednecks for various reasons ranging from racism, incest to illiteracy. Here are 12 redneck memes that sum up the southern lifestyle!
4.American? I'm Murican!
A lot of people around the world call Americans 'Muricans, but these rednecks, hillbillies, hippies, etc. are the real stereotyped 'Muricans! Most of the fat and weird Americans you see on the internet are rednecks. By the way, a lot of Southerners still call themselves 'Muricans/'Mericans to this date. It isn't really an offensive term, even though some people find it a bit offending. People with thick accent pronounce America as 'Merica/'Murica.