12 Funny Hump Day Memes That Will Make Your Whole Week
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 12:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Just in case if you are wondering what the heck a hump day is, it is a synonym of Wednesday. As expected, the American people invented the term, which was then picked up by their big-ass corporations and used it in their million dollar advertising campaigns. Since Wednesday is in the middle of a typical Monday to Friday workweek, it is informally called a hump day. Hump day isn't as exciting as a Friday, and on a positive note, it isn't as worse as a Monday. Now have a look at these 12 hilarious hump day memes!
7.My Humps, My Humps, My Lovely Double Humps!
The double camel in the meme is called a Bactrian camel, and you find them in Central Asian countries. The good thing is that you perhaps don't need a saddle to sit on. It seems we can comfortably sit between its two humps. What do you call a camel with two humps? Forgot already? It's called a Bactrian camel. What do you call a camel with one hump? Don't Google that. It's just called a camel! Now, what do you call a camel with no humps at all? HUMPHREY!