12 Funny Hump Day Memes That Will Make Your Whole Week
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 12:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Just in case if you are wondering what the heck a hump day is, it is a synonym of Wednesday. As expected, the American people invented the term, which was then picked up by their big-ass corporations and used it in their million dollar advertising campaigns. Since Wednesday is in the middle of a typical Monday to Friday workweek, it is informally called a hump day. Hump day isn't as exciting as a Friday, and on a positive note, it isn't as worse as a Monday. Now have a look at these 12 hilarious hump day memes!
10.Camiley Cyrus In Action!
If you had trouble visualizing the brutal camel attack that we discussed a few seconds ago, this meme should help you! Camels and many other animals try to rape people during their heat cycle, but that doesn't happen in most cases because a thick layer of clothes stops them from penetrating human privates. Big animals like camels crush people to death with their excessive weight while humping. Be very careful while dealing with oversized animals, so your family doesn't need to tell people that an animal humped you to death! Your ghost is going to cringe hard every time it hears people talking about your death!