12 Funny Hump Day Memes That Will Make Your Whole Week
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 12:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Just in case if you are wondering what the heck a hump day is, it is a synonym of Wednesday. As expected, the American people invented the term, which was then picked up by their big-ass corporations and used it in their million dollar advertising campaigns. Since Wednesday is in the middle of a typical Monday to Friday workweek, it is informally called a hump day. Hump day isn't as exciting as a Friday, and on a positive note, it isn't as worse as a Monday. Now have a look at these 12 hilarious hump day memes!
4.Does That Make It Dry Humping?
To whoever created this meme, since a rainy Wednesday is not called a wet humping day, your argument is invalid! That's a nice play on words, though. Did you know a lot of people hate it when you start calling Wednesday a hump day? Some of them even threaten to hit these hump day maniacs with rocks! As an average person, one may not find the word, hump day, annoying, but we live in a diverse world where every individual has an opinion. You may run out of money to spend, food to eat, clothes to wear, but not opinions to spew!