12 Sick But Funny Dead Baby Jokes
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:00 am
By:James Fraser
Have you ever heard of dead baby jokes? The jokes are an integral part of dark comedy, and they were created in the United States during the 1960s. These jokes aren't for everyone. If you are squeamish, you are going to despise these dark jokes! All these jokes center around the death of babies. As said earlier, these dead baby jokes sound very, very, inappropriate and offending, so do check them only if you don't mind reading sick humor. If you do love reading such jokes, here are the 12 dead baby jokes exclusively for you!
7.One More Vile Dead Baby Joke
"What is more fun than throwing a baby off the cliff? Catching it with a pitchfork!"
This joke is indisputably the most horrible joke on this topic. Throwing a baby off the cliff and catching it with a pitchfork? Oh man, we don't even think the most sadistic people on Earth would do that even in a world that had no government or law! Scary joke, isn't it? We told you not to read these nightmarish jokes unless you are into sick humor!