15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:43 pm
By:James Fraser

Everything in Instagram looks cute, right? 'Photo effects' are not new to us. Instagram has taken photo effects to a new level. Clear photos are now almost extinct! Most of us love editing or morphing photos one or the other way to make them look beautiful. Instagram photos are highly attractive. In fact they even make us believe in thinking something's cute, even though if it's not cute in real life. 
People, food, landscapes and everything you see on Instagram may not look great when you see them in real life! Here are fifteen images that show strong difference between Instagram and reality!
13.Hair Style: Expectations vs. Reality

If you admire hot men on Instagram for their hairstyles, you are missing out on common men that look like the person in the second image! From picture one and picture two, you can easily tell how Instagram and little bit of hair on head adds a great style to a photograph. Even if your hair is missing, Instagram will somehow make your photo powerful.

Hair Style: Expectations vs. Reality -15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

Hair Style: Expectations vs. Reality -15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

14.Eating: Expectations vs. Reality

We only act like we are eating when someone tries to take a photograph of us while eating. People, especially, those Instagram folks stop their food a few inches from their mouth just to pose, and get a cool looking photo. On the real side, we look weird if we are snapped right when we are eating or chewing food. The first and second picture will clearly show you the difference.

Eating: Expectations vs. Reality-15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

Eating: Expectations vs. Reality-15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

15.Babies: Expectations vs. Reality

Babies and kids photos on Instagram lure singles or young couples into having kids! Kids look cute and adorable only as long as you just see or take them in hands as a guest. Only parents know the real and painful side of raising kids! The first and second images are best examples of expectations vs. reality!

Babies: Expectations vs. Reality-15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality

Babies: Expectations vs. Reality-15 Images That Show Strong Difference Between Instagram And Reality
