12 Inspirational Johnny Depp Quotes

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:19 pm
By:James Fraser

Johnny Depp is one of the most famous, richest, and charismatic Hollywood actors who don't need a special introduction. He began his career in the early 1980s and rose to fame playing Tom Hanson role in the Fox TV series, "21 Jump Street." The role helped Depp to land top TV roles, but he decided against playing TV roles and shifted his focus to movies. A couple of good movies in the early 90s like "Edward Scissorhands" set him up for a great Hollywood career, and his association with the Disney's billion dollar franchise, "The Pirates of the Caribbean," made him an iconic actor in the world of cinema. Here are 12 quotes as said by Jonny Depp or the characters he portrayed in the movies that sound very inspiring.
1.Keep The Faith, Keep The Good Work Going!

Even though most of us yearn for something, only a few of us work hard toward making dreams come true. People around you, including some of your friends and family members, don't believe you when you tell them you are up for achieving something huge in your life. They do that because they are just a bunch of weaklings who often settle with the little or big what God has given to them. If you are an aspiring actor, artist, writer, politician, technology entrepreneur, millionaire, or billionaire, keep working toward making your aspirations a reality. The people who didn't believe you will proudly tell everyone around them that they were once friends with you!

Keep The Faith, Keep The Good Work Going!-12 Inspirational Johnny Depp Quotes

2.Love Is Not Blind!

Firstly, love is not blind. We usually call love blind because we tend to ignore the mistakes and weaknesses of our loved ones. Let us assume that you caught your beloved partner with drugs. You have two choices in your hand. One is to call the cops, and the other is to work with your partner and help them get rid of the bad habit. What are you going to do? We are sure a lot of people are going to go with the second choice. That is why love is called blind. As Johnny Depp says, love isn't blind. It is a light that enables one to see things that others fail to see!

Love Is Not Blind!-12 Inspirational Johnny Depp Quotes

3.If You Love Two People At The Same Time, Choose The Second!

This quote sounds a lot like an excellent relationship advice, but some people may disagree with it. Don't forget that humans are just an intelligent species of life on Earth, and like most other animals, they are naturally polygamous. Marriage or sticking to one partner is something the modern human introduced as a part of the strict social order. What we are trying to stress here is that you may still fall for a second person despite loving the first person a lot. Break up with people only when you think they are not the right ones and don't deserve a place in your life. Don't break people's heart for selfish or no apparent reasons!

If You Love Two People At The Same Time, Choose The Second!-12 Inspirational Johnny Depp Quotes


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