15 Celebrities With And Without Makeup
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 9:16 am
By:Mike Litzler
Do you think anyone cares if we, the ordinary people, do not try to look good? What will happen if a celebrity does that? Imagine a celeb waking up in the morning, and coming out to attend an event with no makeup, luxurious clothes, and accessories. We bet they don't look any better than we do! This is the reason why we never see a star, particularly a female singer or actor, without makeup. The following 15 celebrities with and without makeup pictures prove that the celebs don't look as good as we think they do. Emma Watson is an exception, though!
4.Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian is known as the star of a reality show that has launched her into international stardom. The makeup-less picture on the left exposes a pretty harsh reality: that a woman known only for being beautiful isn't so hot without her daily touch-up.