Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)

By:Mike Litzler

The title of the movie is just the beginning of its downfall. The movie is called Blues Brothers 2000, but it was released in 1998! Elwood (Dan Aykroyd) tries to reunite the old band so he can raise funds for a children's hospital. So who does he get to help him? A strip club bartender named Mighty Mack McTeer (played by John Goodman). That's right Ladies and gents, when you need to raise money for kids, head on over to a strip club for help. And while Goodman is a decent singer, he doesn't hold a candle to John Belushi. Even John's brother knew better than to touch this movie with a 10-foot pole.
This Post Belongs To Worst Movie Sequels ever 

Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)
