Facts About Circuses

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 9:24 am
By:Tony Williams

1.Elephants remember

Elephants are known to have amazing memories and it has been shown that they do remember when the handlers are cruel to them even if it is further down the line. With all of the problems in circuses with wild animals it is difficult to imagine them enjoying any handler.

Elephants remember-Facts About Circuses

2.Forced to stand around

Animals in circuses are forced to just stand around in a very confined space for most of their day as the training and performing part only uses up less than 10% of their entire day. This is nowhere near enough activity.

Forced to stand around-Facts About Circuses

3.Bad training methods

When it comes to training elephants in a circus they have been known to basically beat them and even shock them into doing things. The fact that they are not closely monitored does mean that there is a feeling that you can get away with so much.

Bad training methods-Facts About Circuses

4.Sam Simon

This is the co-creator of the Simpsons, but when he discovered he had colon cancer he felt he had to do something to help animals held in captivity. This led to him buying up circuses and zoos in order to just close them down to make sure that they were then looked after properly.

Sam Simon-Facts About Circuses

5.Elephant hair

Some performers believe that they need some kind of lucky charm and for a lot of them that involves carrying around an elephant hair in their pocket. The hair itself also has to come from the tail of the elephant.

Elephant hair-Facts About Circuses

6.They cannot cope with animals

There is no way that a circus can cope with animals and offer them what they need as they must think about how they can condense everything to make it easier for them to travel. Instead, they sacrifice the well-being of the animals for the sake of profit.

They cannot cope with animals-Facts About Circuses


Studies have shown that there are some elephants in the circus environment that actually have tuberculosis and it is the strain that can be passed onto humans. Thankfully most circuses will not have their elephants tested, so are unaware of this fact.

Tuberculosis-Facts About Circuses

8.Exchange of animals

Different circuses will actually exchange animals and this has been shown to be extremely stressful for them since it breaks that social bond that they will have built up with one another. You have to remember that the animals here prefer to be in a herd, but they cannot do that in a circus.

Exchange of animals-Facts About Circuses


This is quite scary, but in the United States there is no official group that monitors how the animals are being treated in circuses. You would think that with their track record that there would be at least somebody keeping an eye on things.

Unmonitored-Facts About Circuses

10.They sell old elephants

When an elephant is basically past its best for performing in a circus they actually go ahead and sell them to places such as a zoo or even a research institute. They are seen more as a commodity rather than an animal.

They sell old elephants-Facts About Circuses

11.Shorter life span

Elephants that are brought up in the circus environment actually have a shorter life span than those elephants that live in the wild. This is unusual as you would think that they would have better care, but in a lot of cases their life expectancy is cut in half.

Shorter life span-Facts About Circuses

12.Use of wild animals banned

Circuses are well known for having used wild animals, but that practice is actually banned in a number of countries. No circus is allowed to use them in the likes of Bolivia, Peru, Netherlands, Greece, and Cyprus to name just a few.

Use of wild animals banned-Facts About Circuses



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