12 Creepy Reddit Let's Not Meet Stories
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 7:59 am
By:James Fraser
Reddit is one of the most active internet hangout places for millions of people around the world. It is a place where they share lots of things ranging from news to personal stories. There's one Subreddit on Reddit with the name, "Let's Not Meet," which is exclusively used by Redditors for sharing creepy personal experiences and stories of themselves or someone they know. If you love reading eerie, scary, and disturbing personal life stories, you have to read these 12 Reddit "Let's Not Meet" stories.
1.When An Uncle Pranked A Murder
To begin I have tried to find this guy's name or reports about him yet no one can remember his name, it occurred in the 90s when I was a child while this story is sort of a dark comedy in my family- among other stories.
My uncle and aunt used to travel with the Show when I was a child and when they came to our town my parents and other relatives would come visit them. With the show it's cash in hand work and you simply turn up where the show owners decide if they want to hire you or not there's no background checks, no checking of ID, and some people work on the show for days, months, or years. My uncle was a very likable worker and actually stayed on the show for 16 years.
One week when my uncle and aunt were in town with the show my parents and other relatives came to visit, because I was a kid I would just go play with my cousins and the other show children. While there we encountered this weird guy that would distance himself from the rest of the adults and I'm sure no one liked him. He was small for a guy and short with a big head while often making women especially uncomfortable.
One day when my uncle was putting up show rides and I was playing with the other children one of the show owners told my uncle to do some pointless task so my uncle just said 'get fucked'. The show owner just walked off (mainly because he and my uncle were friends and he didn't care). The weird guy upon seeing this asked my uncle why he didn't get knocked out for telling his boss off, my uncle joked that whenever you don't want to do something just tell your boss to 'fuck off' and he won't do anything. About 20 minutes later we hear a scream and a THUMP, THUMP, THUMP to find the show owner had the weird guy lifted off the ground by his neck and was punching him in the face, every time the guy got punched his head would thump into the building behind them. It turns out the weird guy told the show owner to fuck off expecting nothing to happen.
Later on, my uncle, aunt, my parents, and their friends were drinking and laughing about the guy when the weird guy come back screaming at my uncle that he was going to kill his family, rape his wife, and etc. My uncle just laughed about it, but my dad and some other men hog tied him and put the weird guy back into his caravan. A few hours later the guy (who obviously escaped) was walking down the street crying wearing a backpack.
That same night he was arrested being linked to two murderers in another state where the victims were stabbed to death, apparently the police recognized his face when they saw him walking down the street crying, then when they took his back pack off him they found several types of knives, a rope, gloves, etc just general rape kit/serial killer stuff. The thing with this guy is a lot of people on the show were making fun of him and constantly pranking him because they thought he was such a freak, it's just creepy knowing he was one of those rejects who actually went around killing people.