15 Couple Reveal Their Grossest Relationship Secrets
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:17 pm
By:James Fraser
Call them gross relationship secrets or 'relationship goals,' these fifteen confessions by couples will definitely make you cringe hard. How close and over-sharing a couple can be? This topic can help you understand! We have a girlfriend who scratched her boyfriend's butthole. We have a guy who wiped his diseased girlfriend's butt. Do you mind reading more such stories? Go on and read the fifteen grossest relationship secrets ever! By the way, do you have a bad gag reflex? If so, proceed with caution!
1.Balls... This Time!
"We went for a hike and came back to our cabin a few hours later. I was in the kitchen while he was showering and out of nowhere he comes around the corner, butt-naked and soaking wet, looking rather uncomfortable.
"He had a tick on his ballsack. The next half hour was spent with him sprawled out on the floor and me examining his sack trying to figure out the best way to get the tick off. Dish soap ended up saving the day.
"Oh, and did I mention we were on our honeymoon?"
- Caitlin Ranchino Todd

2.Cleaning up the Puke
"On our first Valentine's Day together, I got bad food poisoning and puked all over my boyfriend's carpet. He made sure I was OK and insisted on cleaning it himself, while I rested. I was too embarrassed at the time to realise how absolutely sweet of him that was."
- maggieschuerman

3.Yet Another Cleanup Mission!
"Last Easter, we went home to my girlfriend's parents. At some point, we got food poisoning and were basically laid up all weekend. On Sunday, I felt OK enough to drive us back home (about 2.5 hours). My lady was still not feeling great but really wanted to get home.
"About 30 minutes into the drive and passing through the next town over, she screams ‘you've got to pull over!' Since we were on a highway, I was searching for a place to pull over with some privacy. I had just found a small street when she hurls herself out of the moving car. There she is, crying, puking, and shitting on the side of a country highway. I had to undress her, wipe her butt with what I could find, cover the car seat with old grocery sacks and convince her we had to go back to her parents. We're still together a year later. There's something about wiping your partner's bare ass in public that will cement a relationship."

4.This Boyfriend Who Removed a Tampon
"One time my boyfriend and I were about to have sex but I had a tampon in, so I told him that I was going to take it out. He said not to leave, then pulled my tampon out and threw it away."

5.Squeezing up a Cyst
"My fiancé had an epidermal cyst on the back of his neck. He'd had it for a few years when one day he got a spot on top of it, which I popped for him…which then led to the cyst starting to leak. Over two days I helped him squeeze it all out, dress it, and disinfect it. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen."

6.Oh Yea, True Love!!!
"He complained of an irritated, itchy asshole. I got on my hands and knees, spread his cheeks apart, and examined it with my phone flashlight. It doesn't stop there – he felt such relief when my finger accidentally grazed the haemorrhoid that I let him lie across my lap for 20 minutes while I scratched his asshole.
"THAT is love, my friends."
- Whitney (Facebook)

7.This Girlfriend Who Removed a Rotten, Pus-filled Ingrown Toenail
"I removed an ingrown toenail for my BF – we're talking the nasty, pus-filled kind. I've had chronic ingrown toenails for a decade, with a dozen or so surgically removed, and who knows how many myself. It was his first, and I knew how painful it was for him, so I helped him out.
"Honestly that isn't even the grossest thing I have done in my life. I have a cast-iron stomach, I guess."
-Jen (Facebook)

8.This Plunging Job
"My boyfriend and I went on a trip together (before we were officially dating) and he put waaaaay too much in the hotel toilet after going #2, which caused it to clog. We aren't one of those ‘oversharing' couples by any means, but I'm not one of those girls who scream EW every time they hear of poop.
"I turned to him and said ‘I've got this,' mainly because I didn't think he'd be able to do it right, so I called the hotel maintenance people and asked for a plunger. I could see the relief in the maintenance guy's face when I told him I would unclog it myself. Took me two seconds to get the job done.
"My boyfriend says it was in that moment where he realised I was ride or die."

READ MORE: 15 Things That Bounce
9.Biting Her Husband's Nails!
"I have a serious nail biting habit and sometimes when I run out of nail to bite, my husband lets me bite his nails. It is just as satisfying as biting my own."

10.This Boyfriend Who Wiped His Girlfriend's Butt
"My girlfriend has Crohn's disease, and spent a month in the hospital after a surgery to remove parts of her intestines. I had to wipe her butt because she was too weak to with all the medication she was on, and the very large incision in her stomach."

11.This Wife Who Shaved Her Husband's Rear
"I shave my husband's back for him. He's always SO humiliated to ask, but the way I see it, if it will make him feel cleaner, then who better to do it than your life partner and best friend. Doesn't bother me a single bit!"

12.This Emergency Wart Removal Surgery
"Every guy I have ever dated had a thing with their feet, but the worst is by far the guy I dated who had some sort of blackhead-wart mutant under his foot.
"I gathered my weapons and tools (rubbing alcohol, tweezers, a nail file, and a small knife) and pretty much carved that thing right out of his foot. The only other option, according to the doctor, was freezing it off, which would cause more discomfort than what I'd done. I actually got a compliment for performing this radical surgery so well, along with a ‘please don't do it again though."
-Julie (Facebook)

13.This Couple Who Got Soaked in 'Golden Shower'
"A couple months into our relationship, my boyfriend got blackout drunk at a party so I spent the night with him to make sure he was OK.
"I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself drenched from head to toe in his urine. My hair, underwear, clothes, EVERYTHING. PEED. I had to change all of his sheets and help him undress himself. He didn't remember a thing the next morning. One year later and still going strong though."

14.This Helpful Husband
"We went out of town for a night away from our sons and I was still breastfeeding. I forgot to pack my pump and my breasts became so engorged I was in tears. Nothing I did would release the milk (into the hotel sink!!) so he sucked the milk until my flow started haha.

15.This Bloody Sex
"I had sex with my boyfriend while on my period and completely made a mess. My boyfriend jumped into the shower and asked if I wanted to join him, so I did and he washed my vagina for me with his hands."
