15 Crazy Girlfriends Tell Their Part Of The Story
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 7:21 am
By:James Fraser
Breakups are horrible. People need a lot of time to get over them and lead an ordinary life. You may find it hard to digest the fact that your partner cheated on you with some other person. You may find it heartbreaking to let go the person from your life. You are not in a position to handle the reactions, advice or criticism you get from your friends or family members.
We see crazy girlfriends. We see crazy boyfriends. We actually tend to believe in the words of the person who is our friend, or close to us. How crazy are crazy girlfriends? Read fifteen stories of women who revealed the little-known side of their breakup story.
13.Dealing With Drug Addicts Is Difficult
I was the "crazy girlfriend." Granted I was young (18-19) and it was my first serious relationship. I didn't trust my ex one bit. Didn't like his friends, was always suspicious of what he was doing. I even made him give me all his passwords. His phone was connected to Google Voice so I could also read his texts.
Turns out, I was right to be suspicious. He was hiding a serious heroin addiction. I'm in a much better place now. I'm in a happy, healthy, and loving relationship with the most amazing guy who I could ever imagine. Craziness has subsided and I'd like to think I'm more mature now.
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