15 Crazy Girlfriends Tell Their Part Of The Story
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 7:21 am
By:James Fraser
Breakups are horrible. People need a lot of time to get over them and lead an ordinary life. You may find it hard to digest the fact that your partner cheated on you with some other person. You may find it heartbreaking to let go the person from your life. You are not in a position to handle the reactions, advice or criticism you get from your friends or family members.
We see crazy girlfriends. We see crazy boyfriends. We actually tend to believe in the words of the person who is our friend, or close to us. How crazy are crazy girlfriends? Read fifteen stories of women who revealed the little-known side of their breakup story.
10.This is What Lack of Confidence Does to People
I went through a physical, emotional and financially abusive relationship. After I ended it with my ex, I wouldn't talk about what happened and what he had done to me. I should have, I've recently been diagnosed with PTSD, and also repressing the memories. My point is, I am horrible in arguments and when someone is frustrated. I get very on edge and become defensive due to my ex. I should've seen a counselor soon after I ended it with my sociopathic abusive ex. I've also become very forgetful and have issues with confidence and my own intelligence due to it. Good thing I'm getting help for it now. I have a lot of support as well.