Weird Ways Your Brain Tricks You
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:52 am
If you thought you only hallucinated when on drugs, then think again. Hypnagogic hallucinations occur when we are in that state before sleeping. Our brain is almost dreaming, but we are still awake and that leads to people seeing things that are not really there.
2.Sleep drunkenness
Not enough sleep makes you tired, but too much sleep can also make you feel as if you are drunk and this is the part that confuses people. The reason for this is that it confuses your brain and you end up going around in a state that sits comfortably between sleeping and walking making you feel groggy even though you slept well.
3.False memories
We all have false memories as they are very easy to create due to the way in which our brain tries to absorb everything, but of course it cannot. This will then lead to there being gaps in our memory, so the brain tries to fill them with things that make sense with the parts it already knows.
4.Sympathetic pain
We have all experienced this where we get some kind of sympathy pain when we see something painful happen to somebody else. This is triggered by the action and also seeing the look on their face at the time and the brain has actually then been shown to have the same reaction as the person that is feeling the genuine pain.
5.Sensory deprivation
If you are momentarily deprived of one of your senses it does lead to your brain becoming rather confused as to what to do next. This has led to people seeing or hearing things that do not exist and it is simply the brain trying to fill that void left by one of your senses being reported as missing in action.
6.Moral dumbfounding
This is when we know that things such as incest or cannibalism are bad and should not be done, but when asked to explain why we struggle to come up with a good argument other's bad!! Some argue it's because we are that used to it being morally wrong that we automatically accept it without giving much thought as to the actual arguments against it.
This is when you have that tune stuck in your head and what happens is it plays like a loop due to your brain kind of getting annoyed at not knowing the rest of the song and it hates half-finished thoughts. Your brain convinces itself it knows the rest of the song, so you keep playing it over as it tries to finish the tune.
8.Theory of emotion
When we find something that scares us, we used to believe that we would feel fear and then our heart would beat faster. However, it is now believed that the opposite happens in that our heart beats faster when we see danger and this then triggers our brain into sending out all of those fear signals.
9.It's different from the opposite sex
Yes even though we both have a brain, the female and male brain is different and that is why we are seen as being better at different things. We both have our strengths and weaknesses, but of course we can work on strengthening our weaknesses over time.
10.It makes you forget familiar faces
If you come across somebody you know well, but in a strange situation, then your brain can actually become confused and goes into a state of shock leading to you being unable to remember the name of the person you know so well. You have the information in there, but your brain has difficulty in retrieving it leading to you becoming confused.
11.It confuses itself and, therefore, you
Your mind is capable of basically being elsewhere, so if you sleep at an unnatural time it can lead to you being slightly confused when you wake up. It is also the case that your brain can solve one problem, but forgets about another problem leading to you getting confused about some parts and not others.
12.It goes on autopilot
When you do something on a regular basis, such as driving to work, your brain kind of goes onto autopilot. This is because the different things you do repeatedly become a series of instructions and your brain just deals with it automatically. That is why you sometimes don't remember driving somewhere, but if something jumped out you would be shocked back into it.