12 Funny Okay Memes That Will Make You Feel Okay About Your Life
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 12:24 pm
By:James Fraser
Hey, do you remember those good old meme/rage faces? We still have them, but they aren't heavily used lately to make memes. Those facial illustrations express different types of moods and feelings. The Okay meme is one of them, and it is a facial caricature of a man who appears to keep his head down, giving us an impression that he is sad. Come, let's check 12 funny Okay memes that are sure to take you back in time and make you relive those moments when we used to waste hours just to check memes!
1.Puts "My Penis" As Password, Said It Was Too Short!
Who in the world puts "my penis" as password?! Even if someone's willing to put it, a lot of websites aren't going to accept it, anyway. As you know, most sites force us to select a complex password that has uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Gone are the days when websites would allow whatever we chose as password, except that it had to be a bit longer. And yes, we are aware that this meme is actually a penis joke!