How To Move On After Losing A Loved One
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 9:28 am
1.Let The Sunshine In
Let the sunshine into your home. Loss is a difficult thing for anyone. It can cause the body to react in physiological ways that might make us want to hide away. Open the curtains and let the sunshine in.
2.Special Memorial Days
Have a day in honor of your loved one. Perhaps they had a cause thy supported, or a hobbies that they loved. Having a memorial day should be fun and shared with friends who also miss them.
Make a scrapbook with all your favorite memories and photographs of your loved one. Look at it often when you are sad and show it off to people willing to take a look.
4.Be You and Live
One you feel a little better go out and be you again. Remember your loved one would hate to see you sad and locked into a mourning situation for too long. Live a life that makes your love one proud. If you cannot do this then write a letter to yourself hearing their voice telling you to go out and live!
Get enough sleep after losing a loved one. Sometimes, sleep can seem a scary place to be when you are experiencing bad dreams or thoughts. Create a sanctuary before going to sleep and a ritual. Play comforting music while you shower, make sure your bed is inviting and the sheets are clean and use white noise if you feel it comforts you, like a ticking clock or a fan. You might even like your favorite pet in bed with you to cuddle.
6.Life Changing
Talk to a friend about your loss. Often grieving is about what we have lost, how our lives have changed because that person has left it. Talk about how your life has changed, which parts you find the most difficult. A friend will listen and understand and may even offer new perspectives on how to deal with how your life has changed.
Buy a good book about grieving and how to help yourself. There is meaning in everything that happens to us. Even amidst grieving is the power to grow.
8.Allow Grief
Allow yourself to cry. Grief goes along at one's own pace. You will cry when unexpected or when memories of your loved one pop up suddenly. It does get better and easier over time.
9.Set Up a Special Place
Visit your loved one's grave and bring flowers. If there is no grave ask for a plaque to be placed at the local memorial. There you can visit and honor your loved one.
10.Keep Your Door and Heart Open
Accept offers of help from friends and family. Don't shut yourself off from them or suffer alone because that will only prolong the grief that you feel.
11.Spend Time Alone
Give yourself that time alone in order to reflect on your loved one's life. Write down things you remember about them and how you are feeling.
12.Remember The Good Times
When we lose someone we tend to think about the day we lost them, or the actual funer@l. Change your thoughts to when they were alive, the funny things they said or did. Or, that which made them special to you.