Future Global Warming Changes Predictions
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 12:05 pm
1.Inequality in rich countries
Due to the pressures being put on society we can expect there to be a bigger gap in richer countries between the two ends of the social spectrum. The rich will be able to survive and get the latest technology to deal with the changes whereas the poorer will only suffer more.
2.Increase in rain in areas not used to it
While at first this sounds as if it might help some areas it is important to remember that they do not have the infrastructure to deal with it. Yes they may enjoy growing crops, but they will be unable to deal with flooding that can take place leading to more issues.
3.More plant life destroyed
Plants are going to be unable to adapt quickly enough to the new conditions, so we can expect certain types to basically vanish. This is going to put pressure on those plants that can survive in these conditions, but of course it also means we will find it harder to eat.
4.Drop in income leading to more poverty
Due to pressures being put on society and the cost of living increasing it does mean that we will have less money to spend on the things we need. This, in turn, leads to more poverty happening and of course more poverty leads to more issues with them all being caused by global warming.
5.Disease spreading
As the environment changes and we become effected by those changes it is known that diseases will also change and cause havoc. New diseases will appear from time to time and we need to be able to come up with solutions quickly to prevent potentially millions of people from dying.
6.Some marine ecosystems failing
Due to changes in water temperature it is reasonable to assume that some marine ecosystems will indeed end up failing. They will do this as they are unable to adapt to the new conditions and we have to be wary of how this can then lead to a knock-on effect elsewhere.
7.deadly heat waves becoming more common
Heat waves are going to get hotter and last longer, so clearly that is going to cause problems in a number of ways. Areas that have never really experience a heat wave before will wonder what has hit them and of course they will not be prepared leading to a whole host of issues.
8.Infrastructure issues due to the extreme weather
We can expect the infrastructure of countries and cities to come under more pressure as resources have to be sent elsewhere in order to combat the problems caused by global warming. There is only so much money to go around, so prioritizing things has to be done.
9.Farmers in richer nations having less water
Farmers in richer countries are going to end up losing money as they get used to crops failing due to the heat and there being less water available to them. There has to be a lot of adaptation and to improve irrigation techniques before it happens in order to lessen the impact.
10.Poorer nations suffering from more famine
As the heat intensifies we can expect to see more famine happening in countries that are classed as being low to lower middle income countries. This is going to particularly put a lot of pressure on parts of Africa, so we need to be ready for continual humanitarian issues.
11.Big cities prone to flooding
If you are a large city and on the coast, then you are going to be at real risk of flooding on a regular basis. Indeed, unless steps are taken there is also the chance that some parts could be lost to the sea on a permanent basis as sea levels rise due to the ice caps melting.
12.People dying from warming
This one seems pretty obvious with global warming, but during this century we can expect to see more people dying as a direct result of the warming of the earth. People with health issues will find it harder to cope with the prolonged heat, so steps have to be taken in order to keep cool.