12 Hilarious Drinking Memes That Are Sure To Make You Laugh
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 1:29 pm
By:James Fraser
Drinking alcohol is like putting makeup on real life! It hides reality, and it does take people on a euphoric journey. Booze boosts confidence, gives nightmares, makes one happy, or even drives people toward self-harm. Importantly, it roasts the liver and screws up the mind! Despite all the negativity attached to drinking, many people still don't prefer giving up the habit and prepare themselves to embrace all health problems it brings. Well, that's the power of alcohol! Now, let's explore the lighter side of booze with these 12 funny drinking memes.
1.It F*cking Helps!
"I hate people when they say you don't need alcohol to have fun. You don't need running shoes to run but it f*cking helps!"
If you are a boozehound, you better remember these wise words, so you can defend yourself whenever your friends complain that you drink a lot! You don't need alcohol to have fun, but as this meme says, it does spice up the party. Most alcohol parties end in chaos though, as people don't often settle with just a drink or two!