Best Sites To Start A Free Blog
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 6:56 pm
Squarespace is cool and even though it may not have the impact of other names that is not to mean that it is not worth using. Instead, you should look at utilizing their technology, give it a shot, and see why a lot of people are now turning to this particular platform.
As you can see from this snapshot, this website does things slightly differently as it has a rather refreshing look to its design and it is certainly something that is worth checking out. The actual posting on there is very simple, but then surely that is what you are looking for?
Yep why not consider using Facebook to blog because there is that option and you can then let all of your friends know that you have posted something. It may not be the first site that you think of with this kind of thing, but when you stop and think about it logically it makes a lot of sense since you will already have a presence on there.
There is a pretty good chance that you will have heard of Typepad as it is something that is certainly being used by more people. It does not to anything fancy and it is just all about allowing you to put across your point of view, so if you do not want to really interact, then this is the site for you.
Google did see the need to push the idea of blogging, but they have incorporated it into their Google plus site, so it is kind of like Facebook, but with their own ideas. This is certainly something that is gradually becoming more popular thanks to the fact that it is indeed Google.
This place uses the cloud idea to a certain extent and it does work well with uploading documents as well as publishing your thoughts immediately no matter where you are in the world and as long as you can log on either online of via an app. It is a cool site and deserves more hits than it is currently getting.
This is kind of like a mixture of a social network and a blogging platform and it is an approach that certainly does work very well indeed. It is well structured, easy to use, and it is getting a lot of hits, so if you have an opinion on something, then do consider having it on here.
As the website itself says, this is a collection of great people that all have something to say and it does it in quite a classy way unlike some of the other names mentioned here. It keeps things plain, but still looking quite stylish and if you are wanting to get away from the mainstream names, then this is the one for you.
This is a website that may not be one of the first names that you will think of when creating a free blog, but in all honesty that is something that should change. It is pretty cool, it does nothing that fancy, but it allows you to put your point across and that is the main thing.
Tumblr is something that has really managed to come from pretty much nothing and it is now one of the most popular websites of its kind. It is a mixture of a blog as well as giving you the ability to upload pictures and the chances are that you have looked at a page at some point online.
The beauty about Wordpress is that it is not only a blog, but it also allows you to add on various widgets to make your little place online a lot more interactive than just a normal diary. These websites is trusted and very easy to use, so if you have something to say, then do consider using Wordpress.
When it comes to websites that allow blogs, then surely everybody has heard of blogger? You may recognize it better with the part on the URL, but it has allowed millions of people to air their views online and the fact that it is free does help to keep it popular.