15 Parents Tell The Terrible Things Their Kids Did Which Secretly Impressed Them
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 12:55 pm
By:James Fraser
Kids are cute. They are funny too. You can't tell what they're going to do in the next minute! They consistently put themselves or their parents in troubles. If you are a parent, you are fine with kids, but if you are not, you would convince yourself not to have them! Here in this topic, we have fifteen happy and proud parents who shared some of the terrible things their children did or said!
10.This Clever Kid
My sons teacher incentivizes the kids for participation/helpful behavior in the class. She used blank slips of paper, and hands them to the kids to write their names on and put them in the ballot box. My son realized there were no special marking on the ballots, and it was just standard lined paper, so he started submitted his name many times a day.
My son stuffed the weekly ballot box for classroom prizes from the teacher for two or three months.
Once she caught on to it, the teacher was upset about his dishonesty. I was impressed that a six-year-old outsmarted a 45-year-old for weeks on end.