15 Images That Will Ruin Your Childhood Forever
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:57 am
Internet is full of trolls! It has already ruined our lives in one or the other way. It is about to ruin our childhoods now! Do you know why? The trolls on the internet have posted and popularized some pictures and clips from our favorite childhood TV shows and movies that are awkward, inappropriate and sexual! Knowingly or unknowingly, the cartoon shows and animated movie makers have included sexual innuendos/jokes in children cartoons. Since we were kids back then, we couldn't catch many of those hints! As we are no longer kids, let's have a quick look at all these images that will probably ruin our innocent and beautiful childhood forever!
#3 Mr. Rogers Flipping The Bird
Mr. Fred Rogers had an interesting day in the neighborhood during this broadcast. The beloved host of the PBS show was teaching a few kids the nursery song, "Where is Thumbkin." The proper way to do the rhyme is to extend your middle finger during one of the verses to show where Thumbkin is. This photo has gone viral, with many people not knowing the real meaning behind it. During the broadcast, Rogers can be seen laughing before he extends his middle finger, mainly because he knew how funny it would look to have someone like him flip-off the cameras.
