Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 1:16 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Tie it in with the anniversary

You probably know that each year of marriage represents something, such as ruby for 40 years, so make sure that you get her something related to that particular year. This shows that you have indeed put some thought into this rather than just going for the mundane.

Tie it in with the anniversary-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

2.Poem and special chocolates

Present her with a poem all about her, that you have written of course, and consider getting some rather special chocolates made especially for her. Look at strawberries dipped in chocolate to be a bit different and make sure that you do all of this in a romantic spot.

Poem and special chocolates-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

3.Renew your vows

If you have been together for some time, then consider renewing your vows in a romantic spot as your anniversary gift to her. You can then give her another ring to commemorate the day and this is going to be a memorable day for her.

Renew your vows-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

4.Scrapbook of memories

Spend some time compiling a scrapbook full of things connected to your life together. Women love to look back at happy times, so this is a gift that shows you have put a lot of thought into it and that alone is going to get you some extra brownie points.

Scrapbook of memories-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife


Consider booking her up for a makeover because most women would love the chance to have a discussion with a makeup expert to see the kind of things that are best for their skin and the look they would love to have. Make sure that she knows you think she is already beautiful, but that this is all about giving her something nice for herself.

Makeover-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

6.Pampering pack

Women love to do things such as look after their skin or put treatments in their hair to make them feel better about themselves, so why not take a look at the products she owns and see the ones that are close to being empty. Make a list, go out and buy them, and put them in a pamper pack that she will absolutely love.

Pampering pack-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

7.Day at the shops

Tell your wife that she can get some new clothes for her wardrobe and there is very little chance of her being disappointed. It is a lot better if you both go, even if you hate that idea, rather than you taking a chance and buying something yourself because there is a good chance you will make a mess of it all.

Day at the shops-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

8.Day out to her favorite spot

If she has been talking about a particular place, then why not arrange to take her there for her anniversary. If it is a city, then get a city break organized, or at least just make sure that she can eventually turn around and say she has been to that dream location.

Day out to her favorite spot-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

9.A candle light dinner

If she is out at work during the day, then why not take the day off and produce something that resembles a culinary masterpiece? Get candles, get soft music in the background, set the table perfectly, and push your cooking ability to the limit and then present her with her main gift during the meal.

A candle light dinner-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

10.Spa break

The chances are she will have been stressed in some way over the last year, so why not thank her for being there for you by getting her a spa break? This will allow her to be pampered for a day and to just forget all of her worries and at least there are a lot of options as to the different treatments she can get.

Spa break-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife

11.Concert tickets

If there is some musician or show that she has always wanted to see live, then go ahead and get the best tickets in the house. It does not matter if it is months down the line because just the mere fact that they will be going to see them is the most important thing.

Concert tickets-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife


Of course when compiling a list of the best anniversary gifts you need to consider jewelry at some point. However, go for an interesting shape and make sure that the presentation is first class or perhaps add in some personalization just to give it that extra sparkle.

Jewelry-Best Anniversary Gift Ideas For Your Wife



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