12 Funniest Break-up Lines Ever

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 7:27 am
By:Tony Williams

Break-ups are bad. They just make things horrible, and even hit people out of their comfort zone, crippling their lives. They are much worse when only one partner wants to part ways and the other does not. It's a tricky situation to handle. Most people find it extremely difficult to break the ice and let their partner know that they want to put an end to the relationship. In such situations, the leaving partner wants to give hints to their partners indicating them that the time has finally arrived to let them go. Read these 12 hilarious break-up lines that people sent to their partners to their relationship in a humorous way.

#12 Sing It Out In Style

Breaking out in song might be just the job for breaking up in person! Or maybe just using they lyrics will do! You have to admit that this is both cool as well as funny and fair play to the other person taking it so well.

Sing It Out In Style-12 Funniest Break-up Lines Ever

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