15 Times Feminists Gave A Fitting Reply
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 9:53 pm
By:James Fraser
Feminism! We are going to talk a lot about it in this list. What is feminism? Or, who is a feminist? In simple words, feminism is an ideology that advocates gender equality, assuring women equal political, economic, educational, social and personal rights. If you think feminism is all about spreading misandry, or advocating female supremacy, you are wrong.
Let's come back to the topic. We have fifteen women here, who gave fitting replies to misogynists! These replies are not only hilarious, but also thought-provoking!
7.This Funny Yet Perfect Reply
What she said is true! If you are a concerned male, and if you are disappointed of the fact that you can't major in men's studies; keep reading this! If you look back into history, you would mostly see kings fighting against each other for land and ladies! You would see men inventing stuff and modernizing the world. You would see men sending rockets to space. Why don't you give some space to women and let them know more about different perspectives to feminism?