12 Photos That Show Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 11:19 am
By:Tony Williams

The title may sound shocking, but it really is what it means! We live in a world where some ugly girls morph their photos and put them on their dating or social media profile pages. Even the cute girls take about one hundred selfies to pick one as the display picture. Why would a pretty girl purposely take ugly photos of her? There is a story behind this. Some time back, a Reddit user created a page called "Pretty Girls. Ugly Faces" and asked girls to post a selfie, making an ugly face. A lot of girls responded to the request by posting their ugly face pictures! Here are the 12 best entries.

#11 She Has Aged

One of the things that will strike you about this image his how much she has aged in the photograph because she has gone from being about 20 to 75 in one easy move. It is actually quite a scary photo never mind being an ugly one.

She Has Aged-12 Photos That Show Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces
