Most Viral Videos Of All Time

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 9:47 am
By:Tony Williams

1.Justin Bieber

This video for Baby with Ludacris has so far managed to get over 800 million views, but with how fanatical his fans are it could mean only 100 different people have actually watched it. This shows how the music industry has to use Youtube to its advantage because 800 million views is a seriously high number, but a number that must be a dream for the marketing department.

Justin Bieber-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

2.Kony 2012

This video was just ridiculous as it managed to get 100 million views in six days and shows how well a viral marketing campaign can work. However, it all came to a grinding halt when one of the people behind it had a very public breakdown and the campaign vanished pretty much overnight.

Kony 2012-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

3.Rebecca Black: Friday

The crazy thing about this song is that it managed to get 100 million views in 45 days and this in itself is extremely impressive. Music videos can often get more than 100 million views, but it takes time unless you are a massive star, so the fact that Rebecca managed this does show how well a viral video can work.

Rebecca Black: Friday-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

4.Modern Warfare 2 trailer

This video shows the appeal of the video game as the trailer for the new Modern Warfare 2 game managed to get 100 million views in 77 days. This does of course mean that it would translate into massive sales later on and the company behind it must have been even more excited about its launch simply because of the popularity of this trailer.

Modern Warfare 2 trailer-Most Viral Videos Of All Time


This comedy sketch involving Jeff Dunham and a skeleton terrorist managed to get 100 million views in only 165 days. This is one of the most famous comedy sketches of all time and it is also one of the funniest and if you have never seen it, then do yourself a favor and get watching it in order to see what the fuss is all about.

Achmed-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

6.The annoying orange

There is no real rhyme or reason as to why a particular video goes viral and this one about an annoying orange is a perfect example. This video achieved100 million views in 167 days and it is a complete mystery as to how it managed to get such a foothold on the Internet and become so popular in such a short period of time.

The annoying orange-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

7.David after dentist

This is all about David after he has been to the dentist and you will be in tears laughing at it and it will become immediately apparent as to how it got 100 million views in just over a year. He really does not know what is going on and his reaction is something that so many people can relate to and it is this part that makes it so funny to watch.

David after dentist-Most Viral Videos Of All Time


Charlie bit my finger again is a video that managed to get 100 million views in only 402 days. At first you wonder how something so simple could get such a reaction, but that is until you actually watch it because then you will understand why this video became so popular in such a short period of time.

Charlie-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

9.Roller baby

This is actually an advert from Evian and it resulted in them getting 100 million views in 416 days, so you can imagine how delighted the company were with the response. As the name suggests it is all about babies that know how to roller skate and they are also very talented at it as well resulting in an advert that is so much fun that you will simply love to watch it.

Roller baby-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

10.Laughing baby

This video is so, so funny and it generated over 100 million views in 18 months making it one of the best viral videos of all time. It is all about the laugh from the baby and as soon as you watch it you can understand exactly why it ended up going viral as it really is very, very funny.

Laughing baby-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

11.Gangham Style

This video really was one of the major viral hits in the last 12 months with it generating over one billion views in next to no time. It was racking up millions of hits every single day and all of this for a song that was not even in English. Pity his follow up single did not have the same impact.

Gangham Style-Most Viral Videos Of All Time

12.Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle racked up over 100 million views in just over nine days after she appeared on Britain's Got Talent in 2009. She came out looking strange, said she was going to sing, the audience laughed, then she knocked them dead with her voice. It made her the biggest selling star two years in a row and made her a millionaire.

Susan Boyle-Most Viral Videos Of All Time



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