15 People Running For The Most Lazy Person In The World Title

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 12:30 pm
By:James Fraser

How many times have you ended up watching a pathetic show on TV just because the remote is too far away from you to pick up and change the network? Couch potatoes understand the feeling very well! We don't think you can relate to this because you aren't a sluggard! If you just wonder how come we know you aren't lazy, let's remind you that the lazy people have already skipped reading this intro, and began seeing the photos! Join them and see the pictures that show laziest people around the world in action!  
10.The Lazy Person Who Painted This Line

If we were him, we would have definitely pulled that twig away so we can paint a straight line as needed. That lazy guy however had other plans! He strictly did his job without bothering about other things what he believed was none of his business. Wasn't he paid only to paint lines?

The Lazy Person Who Painted This Line-15 People Running For The Most Lazy Person In The World Title

11.This Lady Who Sat in a Line

Whenever you have to stand in a line next time, make yourself comfortable sitting in a chair like this. We assure no one is going to say a thing to you! Chairs with caster wheels work perfectly! Check this lady probably Burger Queen who is also one of the strongest title contenders!

This Lady Who Sat in a Line-15 People Running For The Most Lazy Person In The World Title

12.This cool Dad

Who says you can't be lazy when you are married or have kids? Children sure are an added responsibility to your life for whom your need to work your butts off. If you are little intelligent, you can continue your laziness even though you are not single anymore. Check this cool and lazy dad who got the job done while preserving his laziness to himself!

This cool Dad-15 People Running For The Most Lazy Person In The World Title
