15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:37 am
By:James Fraser

Love her, hate her, but you can't completely ignore her! Kim Kardashian came a long way forward in her life from the days where she used to work for Paris Hilton. Kim had a fairly humble beginning, and was a simple woman like everyone until she started breaking internet with leaked tapes, butts and stuff! 
Let's talk about her family now which is no different. However, in these fifteen funny situations, you see her family completely shutting her down!
1.When Kourtney Needs Some Help with Spelling

In one of the shows, Kim Kardashian joins Jonathan Cheban and Kourtney for a game of gin. Kourtney then asks Kim how to spell the world 'oui' in French, to which Kim replies 'Yes'. Kim then reminds her past and how she used to have confusion over the word 'angel' and 'angle'. Recently, she got schooled by Armani after spelling Giorgio's name wrong.

When Kourtney Needs Some Help with Spelling-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

When Kourtney Needs Some Help with Spelling-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

2.When Kourtney Decides Not to Give a $hit About Kim's Vogue Appearance

Kourtney doesn't leave any chance to embarrass her sister. Being on Vogue's cover page is a big deal for any celebrity. Kim doesn't leave any chance of talking about featuring on Vogue's cover page, whenever there is a chance. Here, Kourtney shut her sister down when Kim brags about shooting for Vogue when she went M.I.A.

When Kourtney Decides Not to Give a $hit About Kim's Vogue Appearance-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

When Kourtney Decides Not to Give a $hit About Kim's Vogue Appearance-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

3.Khloe Joins the Vogue Party

Many people including Kim's own sisters were not too impressed by her Vogue photo shoot. In one of the last year (2014) August episodes, Kim asked if Khloe had a copy of Vogue featuring her on cover page. Khloe said she does have a copy, but she read that on John (toilet). 

Khloe Joins the Vogue Party-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

Khloe Joins the Vogue Party-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family

Khloe Joins the Vogue Party-15 Times Kim Kardashian Was Shut Down By Her Family


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