Hilarious Ways Criminals Were Caught

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:20 pm
By:Tony Williams

#9 Fugitive Asks Police To Scan His License

R.C. Gaitlin learned the hard way that it's better to just mind your own business. In 1988 Gaitlin saw a group of officers demonstrating their high-tech gear to local kids in the Detroit area.He decided to stop and observe the demonstration. The cops unveiled a new driver's license scanner and Gaitlin being the anxious volunteer that he was, offered up his license to be scanned for the demonstration.The scan revealed to the cops that Gaitlin had a warrant out for his arrest for armed robbery. So not only did the kids get to see a gadget demonstration, but they got to see a criminal get arrested as well.

Fugitive Asks Police To Scan His License-Hilarious Ways Criminals Were Caught
