12 Hilarious Bee Puns That Will Make Your Day
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:03 pm
By:James Fraser
As a fan of puns, there's no better feeling in the world than laying back and reading a well-made and well-timed pun! No matter how many "punny" jokes you read, your humor-thirsty soul simply wants more. To entertain you, today, we have come up with yet another pun topic. Guess what puns we are about read now? Bee puns! "Bee-live" it or not, bees make great puns. "Bee" prepared to read check these "bee-autiful" bee puns! Here we have, 12 of the hilarious bee puns exclusively for you.
4.One More Punny Question
What do you call a bee that's sore-loser? A cry bay-bee!
Oh boy, these bee puns are getting out of control! The pun is hilarious, but we think we need to step in to defend bees. Bees are never sore-losers, not even one! They all work extremely hard, gather nectar, and make honey for us. They pollinate seeds, and without them, bees, it's hard for the human race to survive. Nah, we aren't serious, we are just letting you know some facts! Bees are fascinating little creatures.