12 Funniest "When Boys" Tumblr Parodies/Memes

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 7:31 am
By:Tony Williams

Some time back, there was a Tumblr trend where girls would post "When Boys" memes that talk about the cute things boys usually do. For some reason, many boys didn't like the posts although the girls were sharing good things about them! They decided to end the terrible Tumblr trend with hilarious parodies so girls would stop making those memes. The parodies were so funny that all of them went viral on the internet. Girls, boys want you to talk about their muscles or machismo, not about their curly hair or hazel eyes! Peeps, check out 12 of the funniest "When Boys" Tumblr parodies found on the internet

#10 Depends On The Outfit

You see at first it sounds nice with matching outfits, but it all depends on the outfits themselves. The same jumper is great, but lets be honest the KKK outfit is certainly something else.

Depends On The Outfit-12 Funniest "When Boys" Tumblr Parodies/Memes
