12 Funny You Have No Power Here Memes
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 10:55 am
By:James Fraser
"You have no power" is a famous "Lord of the Rings" quote uttered by King Théoden when Gandalf tried to cast a mind-controlling spell on him. A few years back, the internet picked up the quote and converted that into a meme and reaction image. As you may know, the meme is often used to highlight a dominant individual's inability to show off their prowess depending upon the circumstances. Do you think a shark out of water can scare you? It has no power there! Got it? Now, see these 12 You Have No Power Here memes that are sidesplitting.
1.You Literally Have No Power Here!
It's a kind of anti-joke, and if you are one of those who is a fan of anti-humor, you are going to love this meme for sure! Hey, we, humans, didn't have power for thousands of years! Scientists believe that modern people have a history of at least 40,000 years. If that is the case, people happily lived here on Earth without electricity for 39,900 years roughly! It's hardly a century since people around the world began using power to lit bulbs and other stuff. Needless to say, electricity is now an important part of human life, without which the world would go into absolute darkness and chaos.