12 Funniest Wedding Last Name Combinations Ever
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 8:42 am
Many families in the United States follow the tradition of announcing a wedding or engagement in newspapers. Although the internet nearly killed the practice, we continue to see such announcements in local newspapers even to this day. Generally, a wedding announcement starts with the combination of the last names of bride and groom; something like Wentz-Miller. Sometimes, such last name combos sound extremely hilarious. Have a look at 12 funniest wedding last name combinations that send you straight into an uncontrollable fit of laughter!
1.Best Lay
No wonder they're getting married, this couple are the Best Lays. A name like Best is a pretty common and easy going name, and so is Lay, but either way you toggle these names you get the same meaning. Best Lay or Lay Best, can only mean lots of fun on the honeymoon.
2.Traylor Hooker
The groom must have either hated or loved having the last name hooker, but if he had a sister, it couldn't have been much fun. The question now is whether his fiancee will become Mrs. Hooker or Mrs. Traylor Hooker, or if she will remain Ms. Traylor, claiming that she just wants to maintain her identity.
3.Wang Holder
Brad Holder probably never knew that one day his bride would have a name that went so perfectly with his. Anna on the other hand probably walked around with Wang jokes all her life. Little did they know that one day she would be his Wang Holder. It's strange how foreign names translate to English slang.
4.Golden Showers
Each of these names are great names when they were each single, but we all know what the reference golden showers means. It's true that its custom to put the bride's name first in an engagement announcement, but in this case maybe flipping it to Showers Golden wouldn't have been so in your face.
5.Kumon Topomi
This almost sounds like a those jokes where there is an announcement for someone child with the last name of Bates, and the announcer calls for Master Bates. In this case we got a Kumon marrying a Topomi and when their union is complete they she will be Kumon Topomi.
6.Busch Rash
Cynthia Busch must not have had a very hard time with her last name, while Matthew Rash couldn't have had too much of a great time with his. Now the question is, will Cynthia dump the Busch and take on Rash, or hyphenate and forever ben known Cynthia Busch Rash?
7.Crap Beer
Neither of these two had all that great of a last name, but Emily definitely had it much worse. With a name like Crapp, she probably felt like that most of her school years, while her future husband probably enjoyed having a last name associated with football and man caves.
8.Drinkwine Layer
Kathleen's name is funny enough on its own. With a name like Drinkwine she must have been the butt of a few jokes in the past, but now as she marries her fiance and takes on the name Layer, she better drop the Drinkwine. She's probably just about ready to drop that name by now anyway.
9.Little Gay
Isn't everybody just a little gay? Well, at this wedding they are. The happy couple announced their engagement as the Little Gay upcoming marriage, and they look damn proud of it. What's in a name anyway? As long as they love each other, that's all that matters, but they should be careful what they name their children.
10.Filler Quick
Separately Ms. Filler and Mr. Quick had not so unusual last names, but put the two names together and you've got Quick Filler, or Filler Quick. The latter is hilarious and something that would not be a great choice as a hyphenated name. They look like a happy couple that are oblivious to their namesakes.
11.Kuntz Dick
The two are probably used to be ridiculed for their last names, and maybe Lisa was excited to get married and change her name one day. However, she ended up meeting a guy named Dick. No matter which way you flip the two last names, it's still funny, but I'm sure not to the happy couple.
12.Long Wiwi
No one really basis their compatibility on their two last names. It's just not something people really think about until they see the two names on an announcement. The name Long isn't so bad on its own, Wiwi is though, but put it together with Long and you've got one hell of a joke.