12 Greatest Fat Guy / Skinny Wife Couples On TV Shows

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:50 am
By:Tony Williams

You see a lot of all ill-matched couples on TV shows, particularly sitcoms. Don't you? It has become a kind of tradition that at least one couple on a show should look awkward, with the wife being skinny and smoking-hot, and husband looking like a blobfish! Think of any popular sitcom wife, and we bet she looks gorgeous! We also bet she has a fat or ugly guy as a husband. It seems like the society, media or people find it acceptable for a fat guy to be in the lead role, but not a fat woman to play the same! How often do you see fat women in TV shows, playing lead or serious roles? The ill-matched couples are not just limited to live-action sitcoms; you can find them even on animated shows! Let's not go deeper into the subject, but quickly check these 12 greatest fat guys - hot wife couples on TV shows. 

#2 Fred & Wilma Flintstone - Flintstones

Many animated TV series makers have followed the fat guy – hot chick trend. The pair Fred and Wilma Flintstones from the popular animated TV series The Flintstones is one such notable ill-matched pair.
Fred Flintstone is a caveman. He dresses and behaves like a caveman! He looks fat, and doesn't really look good enough even for cavemen standards! We expect cavemen to be fit, and look good! Fred isn't that kind, though. However, he still got a beautiful lady as his wife. Fred's Wife Wilma Flintstone looks slim and beautiful. The red-headed wife is a beauty with brains!

Fred & Wilma Flintstone - Flintstones-12 Greatest Fat Guy / Skinny Wife Couples On TV Shows

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