15 Signs That Are Too Dumb To Digest
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 12:39 pm
By:James Fraser
Sanity test: If you find even one picture on this list reasonable, we would call you a crazy person! Take the test now. Carefully look at all the 15 funny, stupid, and pointless signs and only tell us if you find them customary! We don't know why and what for people made these signs, but boy, they are freaking hilarious. Were people trying to troll others? Were the signs an end product of dumbness? We don't know! Well, we don't often stumble upon seeing such odd signs in our real life, so here, we made a list of 15 dumb signs for you to see and laugh hard!
13.When Editorial Chief Lost his entire IQ
Homicide victims are dead people! How can dead people talk to police or anyone? This headline could have possibly caused job losses for at least two to three people working for that newspaper. This is one of the funniest and dumbest pictures we have seen so far.

