15 People Who Need To Be More Self Aware

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:19 pm
By:James Fraser

The smart people are those who are completely aware of who they are, what they are doing, and how they need to do things. The dumb people are exactly the opposite. The 'not so bright' people still get jobs, go to work, and do many things that impact our lives. Guess what? They keep doing mistakes and messing up things. Here are fifteen people whom we believe need to be more self-aware and know what they are doing. 
10.This McDonald's Employee Who Brutally Murdered A Name

This McDonald's employee needs to pack more life skills. We don't even know how he or she failed at this one. Phteven? Seriously!!!

This McDonald's Employee Who Brutally Murdered A Name-15 People Who Need To Be More Self Aware

11.The Proofreader Who Was Responsible for This

If you ever worked in a publishing house, you will understand the level of scrutiny these magazines and books go through before being published. We have no idea how someone missed this! 

The Proofreader Who Was Responsible for This-15 People Who Need To Be More Self Aware

12.This 'Derp' Toy

The one on the left looks good. The one on the right makes us feel uncomfortable. Whoever did this to the poor toy, please be more self aware and stop ruining pretty toys! 

This 'Derp' Toy-15 People Who Need To Be More Self Aware
